Matlock Cycling Club - Time Trials

Club Time Trial Courses

Current Courses
Course Distance Details
A10/36/C (Club 10)

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10 miles Start by the 4th tree on Church Lane, Darley Dale, just after its junction with the B5057. Darley Churchtown - A6 - Bakewell island - A6 - Darley Dale. Finish by the Darley Dale sign, just after Harrison Way

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25 miles Start by telephone box in School Lane, Rowsley. Turn left onto the A6. Proceed to Picory Corner. Turn left along the B5056 to Hawleys Bridge,carry straight on to Youlgreave. Turn right in Fountain Square, which is almost opposite the Youth Hostel.(3.44miles). Go up Moor Lane, ( Care at the puddle in the dip before the picnic site) past the picnic site to join the Newhaven-Bakewell road(4.63miles). Keep straight on at the first junction and at the Give Way (CARE). Carry on along Long Rake past Arbor Low to the 'T' junction(7.46miles). Turn right (CARE) and go to Monyash. Turn left at the crossroads. Turn left along the B5055 to the A515(10.48miles). Turn left along the A515 to Newhaven(14.67miles). Turn left along the A5012 to Grangemill/Holly Bush(19.97miles). Turn left along the B5056 to finish in the middle of the layby that is at the junction of the Alport road and the B5056(24.90miles).
A5/1/C (Ashford)

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5 miles East end of the first lay-by west of Ashford on the A6. A6 - left - A6020 - Hassop Island - return - A6020 - to finish by bus shelter just before "T" junction with A6.
A28/1/C (Taddington circuit) 28.5 miles Start Piccory Corner and head North up the A6 to Bakewell, Ashford and Taddington. At the top of the bypass take the first left on the A5270 signposted Brierlow Bar. At Brierlow Bar turn left onto the A515 and follow this all the way to Newhaven. At Newhaven turn left onto the A5012 and proceed thru Pikehall to Bungalow Corner. Fork left at Bungalow Corner to come out on the B5056 and turn left to head down past The Miners' Standard PH. Follow this road all the way down to finish near the driveway to Harthill Hall
A10/37/C (Winster circuit)

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10 miles 10 start, by Four Ways pumping station, north-A6-Picory Corner-B5056-Elton crossroads-B5057- left to finish on B5057 just before Church Lane.
A5/2/C (Sheldon circuit)

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5 miles Start by first gate on left on the extension of Shutts Lane, Bakewell, over the B5056. Continue to Kirk Dale, left up the dale, left at the top of the dale, left on reaching the B5056 to finish by a water post, near a barn, 100yds short of Shutts Lane.
Relay 6 miles Start by Duke William, up Starkholmes Road to Riber Road, left to Riber village. Right at Alders Lane to the A615, left through Tansley to Church Street, left to finish by the start.
AHC/1 (Riber)

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1.196 km Start in the access lay-by to st. giles primary school,starkholmes road, matlock. [gr sk301595]. proceed up starkholmes road, fork left up riber road. take the first right up the hill and then through the s-bend to finish 15m past the steep hill sign at the top of the hill.
A10/16 (Open course)

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10 miles Start on A6 by lamppost T55798, north of Church Lane, Darley Dale. Go north along the A6, through Rowsley and continue to Bakewell. Carefully encircle the island. Return along the A6 through Rowsley, past the start to finish by a white mark just north of Whitworth Road, Darley Dale.
Darley Moor (A25/C?) 25 miles
Bank Road 700 yds Start at the bus shelter just above imperial road, matlock. climbup bank road and continue into rutland street to finish by the wall just above matlock green garage, just before the junction with wellington street and the triangle at this junction.
Grouse 10

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10 miles A10/16 open course

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10 miles Starts in Long Dale just north of the junction with the B5054 (GRef 140607). Heads south to that junction. Turn left onto B5054 and follow to A515 (158612). Turn left and head north on A515 to where B5055 from Monyash joins at cross roads where the grit dump is. (132659) Turn left onto minor road, crossing High Peak Trail at Sparklow to the cross roads at High Needham (112654) (NB Do NOT take the first minor road on the left which goes to Pilsbury) Turn left and follow Long Dale back to within a couple of hundred metres of the start.

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25 miles Start on the A6, in the lay-by, north of the Church Lane/A6 junction, opposite the stone gatepost at the north end of gate, adjacent to lamp post T55798. Proceed north along the A6 to Bakewell. Encircle the island and retrace along the A6 to Matlock. Encircle the island and retrace along the A6 to Bakewell. Encircle the island again and return along the A6 through Rowsley and into Darley Dale. Finish at the south end of Park Terrace opposite the milestone approximately 100m north of the start.
A50/12 50 miles Start by end of bus layby opposite Haddon Hall, A6 - Bakewell island - A6 - Matlock island - A6 - Bakewell island - A6 (3 circuits) - finish west end of bus layby opposite Picory Corner. (ie 4 times round Bakewell island, 3 times round island at Matlock)

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12.9 miles Start in the large layby at the top of Lea Moor Road. Descend to Lea Mills. Turn left towards Holloway go through Hollow to Crich to turn left at the Tramway Museum. Continue to Lea Moor Road. Turn left to the start. Complete another lap.
Bank Road HC 850 yds

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11 miles
Long Lane

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12 miles
A8/1/C (Short Hilly)

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5.8 miles
A8/2/C (Long Hilly)

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10.4 miles
AHC/9 Hill climb -
AHC/3 (Holly Lane) 0.7 km
A8/1/C alt (2023 Hilly) 6 miles Start : End of access road to Cromford Railway Station Follow Lea Road to Lea Mill. Turn left along Lea Road to Lea and Lea Main Road, At the end of the village turn left along Shaw Lane. Follow Shaw lane until its junction with Dethick Lane. Turn left along Dethick Lane to Mill Lane, Turn Left along Littlemoor Lane and Riber Road to its junction with Lea Road. Turn left along Lea Road to Lea Moor Road. Finish : Opposite the large layby on the right,near the top of the hill.
Old Courses
Course Distance Details
A25/12 (old) 25 miles Start on the A6, in the lay-by, north of the Church Lane/A6 junction, opposite the stone gatepost at the north end of gate, adjacent to lamp post T55798. Proceed north along the A6 to Bakewell. Encircle the island and retrace along the A6 to Matlock. Encircle the island and retrace along the A6 to Bakewell. Encircle the island again and return along the A6 through Rowsley and towards Darley Dale. Finish opposite the end of Harrison Way, adjacent to lamp post T58831, north of the Little Chef.
A50/12 (old) 50 miles Start by end of bus lay by at Picory Corner, opposite Congreave Lane,A6 - Matlock island - A6 - Bakewell island - A6 Matlock island(3 circuits) - finish 20 m before Darley Dale sign(10 finish).
Short hilly (old) 7.4 miles Cromford railway station - Lea Mills -5-ways -A615 - Church Street - Duke William.
Long Hilly (old) 10.4 miles Cromford Station - Lea Mills -5-ways - A615 - left towards Dethick - first left to Lea - left at Lea - 5-ways - A615 - Church Street - Duke William.
AH/7 (old) 20 miles Start at corner of access road to Cromford railway station.Go south through Lea Mills and Holloway to Crich. Turn left after the Tramway museum and continue to the T junction above Lea. Turn left, descend through Lea and take the Holloway road at the second X roads. Go through the finish to Holloway where left to start the second circuit. Complete another circuit and the third circuit as far as the finish. Finish: By the school sign approximately 50 m after the X roads.
Long Hilly 2013

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6.5 miles
A8/1/C (Short Hilly 2013/14) 5.3 miles
A8/2/C (Long Hilly 2014) 8.3 miles